Researchers at the Arizona University and also at a British University have assembled enough evidence to suggest that the weather is indeed worse on weekends. The British concluded that the weather started to go bad on Thursday and got gradually worse. (Funny concept, English weather getting worse!?) The Americans considered the weather at beach resorts and came to more or less the same conclusions.
What triggers bad weekend weather? Apparently - weekend traffic!!!
From what little I understood, since rain needs dustspecks to form into raindrops, the increased amount of (pollution) particles made rain far more likely. In other words, those who jumped into their cars to chase the sun, made rain by jumping into their cars. Funny, no? (Er, funny only if you're free during the week of course.)
What's the solution? Get a weekend job, of course!
Now, how bad is the weather on weekends these days?
Here's a picture of Rue de Bouillon, taken by Life magazine during the '50s
(it's not, I lost the original but I can't offer better since all local photos I found are the property of Luxembourg City which keeps its photos offline, hidden and generally out of the public eye; which is no wonder if you know how incredibly stingy and retarded the Lux-city websites are as a rule so here we go with a placeholder showing the Bouillon P+R as it was then = empty, one of the main reasons why I liked the location in the first place:)
If you wondered about the weekend weather lately...
Years ago, I started working on weekends for three reasons. First, I was into music and everything to do with music was happening mainly on weekends. Second, there were so many books to read, so many places to visit, so many things to study etc, that I needed more than a short two days a week to do all that. Third, it occurred to me that those people who worked five days a week, had two days off, whereas, if I was working weekends, I would have five days off. That clinched it. That's how I got into working weekends (which ultimately led to the Didj of course).
I don't remember exactly what year it was, but that year, everybody complained what a lousy summer it had been, whereas I had found that summer quite a nice one. And I wondered how so many intelligent people could have a view of that summer so radically different from mine. It took me a while before I found what seemed to me the solution. What had happened was that the sun had been out nearly EVERY working day of EVERY summer week, but it had rained on EVERY weekend. Therefore, all my working-week friends were right in their way, for them, the summer had been miserable. Yet my suntanned self was living proof what I was right too.
Over the years, I was in and out of weekend jobs, but this thing kept intriguing me. I remember the years I worked in banks and European Institutions and whatnot. These were week jobs. The summers of those years I remember as being boring at best, but generally quite humid. On the other hand, the summers when I worked weekends always seemed quite sunny and funny.
Maybe you find this strange, crazy, weird or questionable, but I've kept an eye on these "statistics". Simply, I couldn't prove what I was saying. Only proof I had was subjective. But at least my idea was supported by those of my friends who worked weekends too. Still, who is little me to pretend understanding the weather? But I finally have come across what looks like definite evidence.
Get this (although I'm quoting from memory):
Have fun, stay warm and dry.
27 Oct 98